The following Privacy Policy describes how Aquarbe, Servicio Integral del Ciclo del Agua, S.A.U. (‘Aquarbe’) processes its customers’ personal data. There is a summary of this Privacy Policy in this document.

I. Who controls the data you provide?

The controller of your personal data is Aquarbe, with registered address at Calle La Cámara, nº 19, 33402, Avilés (Asturias).

The following section explains what personal data is collected by Aquarbe and what it is used for.

II. What type of data is collected by Aquarbe from its customers and users of the online office?

Aquarbe collects the following personal data:

  • Identification and contact data (name, national ID number, phone number, email address, etc.) and information on the home (address, flat number, etc.). We collect this data when you sign the service contract.
  • Consumption and technical data on the contracted service. This information on consumption is necessary for issuing the corresponding bill.
  • Details of your use of the corporate website and/or online office (user name, password, records of some of your transactions, etc.). We collect this data when you access our corporate website and use the online office. Please remember that our website uses cookies. Detailed information on this is available at the link  
  • Data provided voluntarily by you on contacting us. If you contact us for any reason (to make a complaint, report an emergency or make an inquiry, among others) we collect a wide variety of information that you provide to us in order to answer your request.

III. What type of data does Aquarbe collect on people who access the website for information?

If you visit our website ( we collect:

  • Certain information related to your browsing (which does not always let us identify you) using cookies installed on your computer. For more information on our cookies policy, visit this link
  • The personal data you voluntarily provide when filling in the contact form. In this case, we ask you to check a box to show you have read this policy and know how your data will be processed. The data obtained from forms on our website is used to answer your requests.

IV. What do we use your personal data for?

We use the data for the following purposes:

  • To supply the service and/or pay for the sewer system you have contracted. We carry out different operations to execute the contracted service, such as: regular meter readings; billing; and providing customers with information on their consumption by different means, among others.
    We need to process this data to maintain our contractual relations with you.
  • Managing the contracted service and solving any related problems that may arise. Aquarbe carries out leak detection, fraud control and water balances with the aim of ensuring adequate water management and correct network operation.

    Aquarbe has a legitimate interest in processing your data to detect leaks and prevent fraud. In addition, we need to process data on the contracted service to maintain our contractual relations with you.

  • Answering any requests you voluntarily send to us (including claims and emergency calls, among others).

    We need to process this data to maintain our contractual relations with you and ensure they are based on your consent.

  • Carrying out statistical studies and/or satisfaction surveys on the contracted service, which help us improve our service or design new functions.

    • Statistical studies. We carry out statistical studies to improve our services or design new functions. For instance, we assess satisfaction, calculate average periodic consumption and forecast the demand for water in different zones or municipalities.

The legal basis for this processing is Aquarbe’s legitimate interest in processing your personal information and, in particular, your opinion on the service and information on consumption and faults that might affect you in order to generate statistical or aggregate studies to improve our services.

  • Satisfaction surveys. We may also carry out satisfaction surveys regarding the contracted service, contacting you by phone or email. Under no circumstances will measures be taken that affect you individually and your personal data will be anonymised.

Aquarbe considers that this purpose is compatible with the purpose of the contracted service, as they are both related (we carry out satisfaction surveys to provide a better service). We also understand that you can reasonably expect your personal information to be processed for this purpose.

  • Managing access and use of the online office.

Processing this data is based on the existence of a contractual relationship with you.

  • Carrying out surveys unrelated to the service to learn about how Aquarbe and the SUEZ Group are perceived, during the period of your contract and always after having received your consent. The information you provide will be used exclusively to obtain statistics and aggregate values.

Processing data for this purpose is based on your consent.

  • Offering or sending you commercial information on the contracted services managed by Aquarbe, and on activities and events related to the sector, always on the condition that you give your consent. If you give us your authorisation, we can send you this marketing information, including in electronic format.

Processing data for this purpose is based on your consent.

  •  Generating a profile for you by continuously monitoring your water consumption and using other data you have provided, to offer personalised promotions and services related to the water sector, and always after you give your consent To do this, your remote meter readings and other data will be used to give us real-time information on your water consumption, among other things.

Processing data for this purpose is based on your consent.

V. Who do we share your data with?

Aquarbe has a number of suppliers who assist the company in executing different tasks related to the contracted service. For instance, Aquarbe has organisations that help with technological issues, such as storing information, carrying out meter readings and detecting fraud in water consumption. It is also assisted by other organisations for tasks such as managing non-payments, providing customer services, carrying out satisfaction surveys and printing, mailing and distributing bills.

Finally, Aquarbe uses the services of Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited to store different types of information on Microsoft Azure, which could include your personal data. Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited may subcontract part of this work to Microsoft Corporation, in the United States. However, any international data transfers to Microsoft Corporation are lawful, as adequate guarantees have been established to protect your personal data. In this regard, Microsoft Corporation (i) is a signatory of the Privacy Shield and (ii) the Spanish Data Protection Agency considers that transfers made to this company are lawful under certain conditions.

Aquarbe will send your personal data to the following organisations (view details), who could use it for:

Organisation Purpose This transfer is legal…

Local councils in the area where Aquarbe provides complete water cycle services.

For the local council to approve the sewer tariff.

Local council by-law regulating the sewer tariff (by-law viewable on the website for each municipality).

Local councils in the area where Aquarbe provides complete water cycle services.

For the local council to approve the water tariff.

Local council fiscal by-law regulating the water tariff (by-law viewable on the website for each municipality).

Local councils in the area where Aquarbe provides complete water cycle services.

For the local council to approve and collect the urban solid waste tax or its equivalent.

Local council fiscal by-law regulating the solid urban waste tax or its water equivalent (by-law viewable on the website for each municipality).

Social services in towns where Aquarbe provides the service.

Para analizar la condición de persona consumidora vulnerable por sus características, necesidades o circunstancias personales, económicas, educativas o sociales en una especial situación de subordinación, indefensión o desprotección que les impide el ejercicio de sus derechos como personas consumidoras en condiciones de igualdad.

Estamos obligados a recabar esta información de las Administraciones de acuerdo con la Ley 4/2022, de 25 de febrero, de protección de los consumidores y usuarios frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad social y económica y el Real Decreto ley 2/2022, de 2 de febrero, donde se prorrogan determinadas medidas para hacer frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad social y económica.

Basque Water Agency (URA) This entity needs to process your personal data to manage and collect payment of the water rate. We are required to transfer your data to this entity by Law 1/2006, of 23 June, on water.
Government of Cantabria This entity needs to process your personal data to manage and collect payment of the wastewater treatment levy. We are required to transfer your data to this entity by Law of Cantabria 2/2014, of 26 November.

VI. How long do we store your data?

Your data will be stored for as long as we maintain contractual relations with you in order to properly manage them adequately. Once these relations have ended, we are required to store your data as blocked for an additional period, during which any responsibilities arising from our services or each purpose might exist.

If you have authorised us to send commercial information, we will keep your data until you tell us you want to stop receiving our offers.

VII. Your rights

In accordance with current data protection law, you can exercise a number of rights:

  • Ask for access to your data and obtain a copy of it.
  • Ask us to rectify and/or erase it in some cases.
  • Object to the creation of personal profiles.
  • Ask us to restrict the processing of your data.
  • Ask for the portability of the data you have provided.

You can withdraw your consent to receiving commercial information, carrying out surveys unrelated to the service or creating profiles at any time.

Aquarbe also recognises the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection officer (DPO) if you think your personal data has been improperly processed. Your complaint will be investigated confidentially and you will receive an answer from our DPO.

To exercise your rights, you can contact us in the following ways:

In all cases, as the affected party or data subject, you can lodge any complaints you consider appropriate with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (